Monday, July 30, 2012

Recent sketches + Update

Some recent sketches from last week:

abstract environment sketches

Some experimental, abstract sketches aiming to explore character of spaces.

concpet sketches

Quick - warm-up sketches.

Environments concept sketches

And finally a set of environment concept sketches(tra-digital).
With a link to bigger version : here.


Some more sketches, basing on same working methodology :
All of them tra-digitals:

floating towers sketch

Space magic guild head-quarters sketchy concepts.

Space ship sketch concept

Mobile space station

Arctic ship sketch concept

Mobile arctic station

sketches air ships

and a WIP image for two speed-paintings above:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hevy Infantry design

Here is a link to a bigger scale version: Hevy Infantry

Hevy Infantry small

A little close-up:

Hevy Infantry cropped

and WIP's:
WIP Hevy Infantry

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last day

sketch_wall 1

sketch_wall 2

sketch plexi

Some most recent sketches and tinny thumbnails created on the walls of my room + sketch on plexi.