Friday, June 29, 2012

Environment Speed-paintings

Environment concept art

Environment concept 2

Two speed paintings of environments- forest and a forgotten worship place for some cultist located in a valley nearby a modern city.

Friday, June 22, 2012


I decided to try concepting a sea monster from 'Inheritance'- a Nidhwal.
It was rather a quick activity than a finished painting

Here are my thumbnails:

Nidhwal inheritance thumbnails

And the conceptual painting:

Nidhwal inheritance

Sunday, June 17, 2012

FInally an update

I was quite busy working on exhibition recently, but I finally managed to find a bit of time to update this blog.
Here are some concept sketches from this week:

Some environments first:

environment: promarkers and felt tip

environment: felt tips

Quick digital sketch:
environment: photoshop

And some tra-digital LOTR inspired images:

Weathertop sketch:

weathertop sketch

Ring Wrights:

ring wright 2

ring wright 3

ring wright 1