Saturday, December 1, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Concept Montages

Concept Montages exlpaining key features of analysed site and initial programme proposal.
Stagnation Montage2

Weather Montage adjusted  colours

Site concept montages2 - for proposed approach utopian

Programme Montage

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

GDS : early stage environment concepts

Here are first concept environments for the GDS:  this was an attempt to establish coherent style and get down some ideas:

mountains early stage concept art

cave early stage concept art

costal islands early stage concept art  

castle early stage concept art 

forest early stage concept art

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Noldorin Scout

Here is my most recent piece. I have decided to try to make an illustration for Tolkien's Silmarillion. It was supposed only to stimulate the imagination without revealing the plot.

 That's an illustration of an elven Noldorin scout in Ered Lómin: Elven scout in Ered Lomin

And a close up:

Elven scout close up

Finally, I attach two links:
Bigger scale image


Black and white drawing, based on the film. Link to a bigger version here: Aragorn.

Some sketches

Finally an update after the holidays:

Firstly, two quick concepts based on the same old sketch. Experimenting with integration of lasso and transform tool into the drawing process:

Environment Concept Sketch1 

nvironment Concept Sketch2 
And some black & white sketches:

Bat sketch
A bat

High Elf Sketch
High Elf sketch 1

High Elf Sketch 
High Elf sketch 2 ( based on one of the drawings from HE army book)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Recent sketches + Update

Some recent sketches from last week:

abstract environment sketches

Some experimental, abstract sketches aiming to explore character of spaces.

concpet sketches

Quick - warm-up sketches.

Environments concept sketches

And finally a set of environment concept sketches(tra-digital).
With a link to bigger version : here.


Some more sketches, basing on same working methodology :
All of them tra-digitals:

floating towers sketch

Space magic guild head-quarters sketchy concepts.

Space ship sketch concept

Mobile space station

Arctic ship sketch concept

Mobile arctic station

sketches air ships

and a WIP image for two speed-paintings above:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hevy Infantry design

Here is a link to a bigger scale version: Hevy Infantry

Hevy Infantry small

A little close-up:

Hevy Infantry cropped

and WIP's:
WIP Hevy Infantry

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last day

sketch_wall 1

sketch_wall 2

sketch plexi

Some most recent sketches and tinny thumbnails created on the walls of my room + sketch on plexi.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Environment Speed-paintings

Environment concept art

Environment concept 2

Two speed paintings of environments- forest and a forgotten worship place for some cultist located in a valley nearby a modern city.

Friday, June 22, 2012


I decided to try concepting a sea monster from 'Inheritance'- a Nidhwal.
It was rather a quick activity than a finished painting

Here are my thumbnails:

Nidhwal inheritance thumbnails

And the conceptual painting:

Nidhwal inheritance

Sunday, June 17, 2012

FInally an update

I was quite busy working on exhibition recently, but I finally managed to find a bit of time to update this blog.
Here are some concept sketches from this week:

Some environments first:

environment: promarkers and felt tip

environment: felt tips

Quick digital sketch:
environment: photoshop

And some tra-digital LOTR inspired images:

Weathertop sketch:

weathertop sketch

Ring Wrights:

ring wright 2

ring wright 3

ring wright 1

Friday, May 18, 2012

Design Studio4 (Year2) Portfolio

Here is the link to lower-resolution preview of my portfolio from this term, feel free to have a look at it, any feedback is more than appreciated:


And few selected pages down here:






